Galaxies in Cosmic Voids: CAVITY

Voids form a prominent aspect of the Megaparsec distribution of galaxies and matter. They are enormous regions with sizes in the range of 20 to 50 Mpc that are practically devoid of any galaxy, usually roundish in shape and occupying the major share of space in the Universe. Forming an essential and prominent aspect of the Cosmic Web, they are instrumental in the spatial organization of the Cosmic Web. Surrounded by elongated filaments, sheetlike walls and dense compact clusters, they weave the salient weblike pattern of galaxies and matter pervading the observable Universe. The shape and evolution of voids are highly sensitive to the nature of dark energy, while their substructure and galaxy population provides a direct key to the nature of dark matter. Moreover, the pristine environment of void interiors is an important testing ground for our understanding of environmental influences on galaxy formation and evolution.

The CAVITY project is addressing the nature of galaxies in these cosmic voids. This conferences will bring together the international team that forms CAVITY and all the work and science results obtained during the successful years of the CAVITY project.

1st Annual Meeting (June 24-25, 2021)




June 24

  • I. Pérez (UGR) Welcome and update

  • S. Verley (UGR) Sample and observations

  • R. García-Benito (IAA) Data reduction

  • L. Sánchez-Menguiano (ESO) Quality control

  • R. van de Weygaert (U. Groningen) Voids as cosmological probes

  • H. Courtois (U. Lyon) A dynamical large-scale environment study of the CAVITY targets

  • A.M. Conrado (UGR) Dark matter in CAVITY galaxies

  • J. Domínguez-Gómez (UGR) SFHs of CAVITY galaxies

  • L. Sánchez-Menguiano (ESO) The local relation between gas metallicity and star formation rate

June 25

  • T. Ruiz-Lara (U. Groningen) Discussion: science with CAVITY

  • J. Román (IAC) Preliminary results of the deep imaging INT observing campaign

  • U. Lisenfeld (UGR) CO-CAVITY survey

  • D. Espada (UGR) Discussion: ancillary data

  • I. Pérez (UGR) Outreach

  • R. van de Weygaert (U. Groningen) Discussion: control sample

  • I. Pérez (UGR) Final discussion, closing and next steps




G. Bergond

Calar Alto Observatory

L. Sánchez-Menguiano

European Southern Observatory

G. Blázquez-Calero

Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC)

A.M. Conrado

Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC)

R. García-Benito

Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC)

R.M. González Delgado

Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC)

J. Falcón-Barroso

Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC)

J. Román

Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) & Kapteyn Astronomical Institute

D. Walo-Martín

Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC)

M.I. Rodríguez


M. Sánchez-Portal


R. Peletier

Kapteyn Astronomical Institute

T. Ruiz-Lara

Kapteyn Astronomical Institute

R. van de Weygaert

Kapteyn Astronomical Institute

T. van der Hulst

Kapteyn Astronomical Institute

K. Kreckel

Universität Heidelberg

S. Duarte Puertas

Université de Laval

H. Courtois

Université de Lyon

D. Guinet

Université de Lyon

M. Argudo-Fernández

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

M. Alcázar-Laynez

Universidad de Granada

J. Domínguez-Gómez

Universidad de Granada

D. Espada

Universidad de Granada

P. Fernández

Universidad de Granada

J. Flores Martín

Universidad de Granada

E. Florido

Universidad de Granada

L. Galbany

Universidad de Granada

C. Gómez Hernández

Universidad de Granada

A. Jimenez

Universidad de Granada

U. Lisenfeld

Universidad de Granada

I. Pérez

Universidad de Granada

G. Torres-Ríos

Universidad de Granada

S. Verley

Universidad de Granada

A. Zurita

Universidad de Granada


Hospital Real

Avenida del Hospicio s/n 18012 (Granada)

Imagen patio hospital real UGR
See larger map

Parte del proyecto PID2020-113689GB financiado por:

Patrocinado por:
Logo UGR Logo IC1 Logo CAHA

2nd Annual Meeting (June 23-24, 2022)




June 23

  • I. Pérez (UGR) Welcome and general update

  • G. Bergond (CAHA) PMAS update

  • R. García-Benito (IAA) The CAVITY reduction pipeline

  • L. Sánchez-Menguiano (UGR) Quality control update

  • R. van de Weygaert (U. Groningen) Voids as cosmological probes (on-line)

  • P. Awad (U. Groningen) Swarm Intelligence-based Denoising and Manifold Crawling Along the Large-Scale Structure

  • H. Courtois (U. Lyon) CAVITY project : almost half of identified cosmic voids in the Local Universe may turn out not to be empty places (on-line)

  • I. Pérez (UGR) Galaxies in voids

  • T. Ruiz-Lara (U. Groningen) Stellar populations with CAVITY data

  • B. Bahar (U. Heidelberg) Nature or Nurture of dwarf galaxies, that is the question!

  • E. Pérez-Montero (IAA) On the different behavior of MANGa and CHAOS in the softness diagram: presence of HOLMES or DIG background?

  • L. Sánchez-Menguiano (UGR) Exploring the chemical evolution of galaxies in different environments: voids versus denser regions

  • S. Verley (UGR) Plan B, or part of Plan A?

June 24

  • D. Espada (UGR) Ancillary data

  • M.I. Rodriguez/U. Lisenfeld (UGR) CO data campaings and science

  • J. Román (U. Groningen) INT data campaings

  • A. Jiménez (UGR) CAVITY Database demonstration

  • R. Peletier (U. Groningen) Science with deep imaging

  • J. Domínguez-Gómez (UGR) CAVITY: star formation histories in the centre of void galaxies

  • A.M. Conrado (UGR) Star formation histories of void galaxies

  • T. Ruiz Lara (U. Groningen) Science projects with CAVITY




J. Aceituno

Calar Alto Observatory

G. Bergond

Calar Alto Observatory

G. Blázquez-Calero

Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC)

A.M. Conrado

Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC)

R. García-Benito

Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC)

R.M. González Delgado

Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC)

E. Pérez-Montero

Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC)

J. Iglesias-Páramo

IAA & Calar Alto Observatory

I. del Moral-Castro

Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC)

J. Falcón-Barroso

Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC)

M.I. Rodríguez


M. Sánchez-Portal


P. Vásquez Bustos

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

P. Awad

University of Groningen

R. Peletier

University of Groningen

J. Román

IAC & University of Groningen

T. Ruiz-Lara

Kapteyn Astronomical Institute - University of Groningen

R. van de Weygaert

University of Groningen

X. Xu

Kapteyn Astronomical Institute - University of Groningen

B. Bidaran

Zentrum fur Astronomie - Heidelberg University

S. Duarte Puertas

Université Laval

H. Courtois

University of Lyon 1

M. Argudo-Fernández

Universidad de Granada

S. Bonnal

Universidad de Granada

J. Domínguez-Gómez

Universidad de Granada

R. E. Miura

Universidad de Granada

D. Espada

Universidad de Granada

E. Florido

Universidad de Granada

L. Gil Martín

Universidad de Granada

A. Jimenez

Universidad de Granada

U. Lisenfeld

Universidad de Granada

I. Pérez

Universidad de Granada

M. Relaño

Universidad de Granada

L. Sánchez-Menguiano

Universidad de Granada

G. Torres-Ríos

Universidad de Granada

S. Verley

Universidad de Granada

A. Zurita

Universidad de Granada

A.Z. Lugo Aranda

Universidad Nacional Autonóma de México


Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Granada

Plaza Campo del Príncipe s/n 18071 (Granada)

Imagen patio ETSAG
See larger map



The meeting venue is located at the heart of the centric Realejo suburb where plenty of accommodation can be found. The University owns in the area a really quaint residence for visitor: La corrala de Santiago. The Corrala has to be booked through us, and usually has limited space, so in case any of you is interested in staying at the Uni residence, please let us know well in advance so we can book it on your behalf. If you need any extra help with the accommodation let us know.

Parte del proyecto PID2020-113689GB financiado por:

Patrocinado por:
Logo UGR Logo IC1 Logo ETSAG Logo CAHA

3rd Annual Meeting (June 19-20, 2023)




June 19

  • I. Pérez (UGR) Welcome and general update

  • G. Bergond (CAHA) PMAS/CAHA update

  • R. García-Benito (IAA) Reducing the voids: problems and next improvements of the IFU CAVITY pipeline

  • L. Sánchez-Menguiano (UGR) IFU Quality control update

  • R. van de Weygaert (U. Groningen) Void detection and Topological bias (on-line)

  • I. Del Moral-Castro (IAC) AGNs in the CAVITY mothersample (on-line)

  • J. Domínguez-Gómez (UGR) Galaxies in voids assemble their stars slowly

  • B. Bahar (UGR) Dwarf galaxies in voids

  • A. Conrado (IAA) Spatially-resolved stellar populations in CAVITY galaxies

  • L. Sánchez-Menguiano (UGR) Exploring the properties of the ionised gas in void galaxies

  • G. Torres-Ríos (UGR) Local environment effect in the star formation of void galaxies

  • I. Pérez (UGR) Size of galaxies in cosmic voids

  • I. Pérez (UGR) Paper presentation

June 20

  • M.I. Rodríguez (UGR) Molecular gas and its relation to star formation in the CAVITY void galaxies

  • D. Espada (UGR) ALMA data for CAVITY galaxies and the HI view

  • P. Sánchez Alarcón (IAC) INT data campaings

  • M. Argudo-Fernández (UGR) INT QC and deep imaging profiles

  • I. Muñoz Rodriguez (NOA) AGN incidence accross environments and cosmic time: Simulations vs. observations

  • B. Bidaran (UGR) QC database

  • A. Jiménez (UGR) CAVITY Database demonstration Workshop

  • P. Awad (U. Groningen) Structure Mining using the 1-DREAM toolbox (on-line)

  • M. Alcázar-Laynez (UGR) Classification of the Large Scale Structures of the Universe using Machine Learning

  • R. Peletier (U. Groningen) CAVITY Science with deep imaging (on-line)


  • I. Alegre Jiménez (UGR) Chemical enrichment in galaxies: What is the impact of the environment?

  • R. Ottaviani (UNIPD/UGR) Bar lengths in different large scale structure enviroments




G. Bergond

Centro Astronómico Hispano en Andalucía

J. Iglesias-Páramo

IAA & Calar Alto Observatory

L. Galbany

Institut de Ciències de l’Espai

M. Sánchez Portal

Institut de Radioastronomie Millimétrique

G. Blázquez-Calero

Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía

A. Conrado

Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía

R. García-Benito

Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía

R. González Delgado

Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía

J. Falcón Barroso

Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias

A. Ferre Mateu

Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias

P. Sánchez Alarcón

Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias

P. Awad

Kapteyn Astronomical Institute

R. Peletier

Kapteyn Astronomical Institute

M. Raj

Kapteyn Astronomical Institute

J. Román

Kapteyn Astronomical Institute

I. del Moral-Castro

Kapteyn Astronomical Institute

R. van de Weygaert

Kapteyn Astronomical Institute

T. van der Hulst

Kapteyn Astronomical Institute

I. Muñoz Rodríguez

National Observatory of Athens and University of Southampton

M. Alcázar Laynez

University of Granada

I. Alegre Jiménez

University of Granada

M. Argudo-Fernández

University of Granada

B. Bidaran

University of Granada

J. Domínguez-Gómez

University of Granada

S. Duarte Puertas

University of Granada

D. Espada

University of Granada

E. Florido

University of Granada

A. Jimenez

University of Granada

U. Lisenfeld

University of Granada

C. Pozo González

University of Granada

I. Pérez

University of Granada

J. Ramos Quero

University of Granada

M. Rodríguez-Martínez

University of Granada

T. Ruiz-Lara

University of Granada

L. Sánchez-Menguiano

University of Granada

G. Torres-Ríos

University of Granada

S. Verley

University of Granada

A. Zurita

University of Granada

M. Hernández Sánchez

University of Valencia

R. Ottaviani

Universitá degli studi di Padova


Carmen de la Victoria

Cuesta del Chapiz 9 18010 (Granada)

Imagen carmen de la victoria
See larger map



The meeting venue is located at the heart of the centric Realejo suburb where plenty of accommodation can be found. The University owns in the area a really quaint residence for visitor: La corrala de Santiago. The Corrala has to be booked through us, and usually has limited space, so in case any of you is interested in staying at the Uni residence, please let us know well in advance so we can book it on your behalf. If you need any extra help with the accommodation let us know.

Parte del proyecto PID2020-113689GB financiado por:

Patrocinado por:
Logo UGR Logo IC1 Logo CAHA

4th Annual Meeting (July 10-11, 2024)




July 10

  • I. Pérez (UGR) Welcome and general update

  • A.M. Conrado (IAA) Ionized gas and stellar populations in the CAVITY IFUs

  • S.F. Sánchez (IA-UNAM) The pyPipe3D analysis of the CAVITY dataset (on-line)

  • M.I. Rodríguez (UGR) Molecular gas in void galaxies

  • G. Bergond (CAHA) CAHA summary

  • A. Rodríguez-Medrano (IATE) Unraveling Galaxy Evolution in Cosmic Voids: Insights from IllustrisTNG-300

  • B. Bidaran (UGR) What we have learnt from dwarf galaxies in cosmic voids?

  • X. Xu (U. Groningen) Asymmetry in Fornax Cluster galaxies

  • I. Del Moral-Castro (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) Nuclear activity in voids

July 11

  • D. Espada (UGR) HI Content and Asymmetries in Void Galaxies (on-line)

  • S.B. de Daniloff (UGR/IRAM) ALMA CO-CAVITY: Unveiling the molecular properties of void galaxies

  • J. Román (UCM) INT Observations

  • R. Peletier (U. Groningen) Science with the deep imaging

  • I. Pérez (UGR) Future CAVITY extensions and coming proposals

  • M. Argudo-Fernández (UGR) The role of mergers in the SFR-M plane evolution

  • G. Maciel-Azevedo (U. Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul/UGR) Galaxy interactions in cosmological voids, the case of two CAVITY triplets

  • G. Torres-Ríos (UGR) The effect of environment on the star formation histories of galaxies

  • A.Z. Lugo Aranda (IA-UNAM) Ionized regions in MUSE-CALIFA and their applications in CAVITY

  • R. García-Benito (IAA) CAVITY DR1 and beyond

  • L. Sánchez-Menguiano (UGR) DR1: data quality and QC

  • B. Bidaran (UGR) Introduction to the CAVITY database

  • A. Jimenez (UGR) DR1 Hands-on session


  • C. Gámez Chiclana (UGR) On the Origin of nucleated dwarf galaxies in cosmic voids

  • P. Mena Gil (UGR) Isolated Dwarf Galaxies in Voids: A gas study with CAVITY

  • L. Flores López (UGR) Characterization of void galaxies through their HI content

  • C. Pozo González (UGR) Classification of the LSS using Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithms

  • M. Alcázar-Laynez (UGR) Mimicking the Sloan Digital Sky Survey




G. Bergond

Centro Astronómico Hispano en Andalucía

M. Sánchez-Portal

Institut de Radioastronomie Millimétrique

A.M. Conrado

Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía

R. García-Benito

Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía

R.M. González Delgado

Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía

C. Pozo González

Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía

A. Ferré-Mateu

Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias

P. Sánchez Alarcón

Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias

A. Rodríguez-Medrano

Instituto de Astronomía Téorica y Experimental

P. Awad

Kapteyn Astronomical Institute

M.A. Canossa Gosteinski

Kapteyn Astronomical Institute

R. Peletier

Kapteyn Astronomical Institute

X. Xu

Kapteyn Astronomical Institute

R. van de Weygaert

Kapteyn Astronomical Institute

I. del Moral-Castro

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

J. Román

Universidad Complutense Madrid

A.Z. Lugo Aranda

Universidad Nacional Autonóma de México

S.F. Sánchez

Universidad Nacional Autonóma de México

M. Hernández Sánchez

Universitat de València

S. Planelles Mira

Universitat de València

V. Quilis

Universitat de València

P. Villalba González

University of British Columbia

M. Alcázar-Laynez

University of Granada

M. Argudo-Fernández

University of Granada

D. Ariza Quintana

University of Granada

B. Bidaran

University of Granada

S. Duarte Puertas

University of Granada

D. Espada

University of Granada

L. Flores López

University of Granada

E. Florido

University of Granada

C. Gámez Chiclana

University of Granada

A. Jimenez

University of Granada

U. Lisenfeld

University of Granada

G. Maciel-Azevedo

University of Granada

P. Mena Gil

University of Granada

I. Pérez

University of Granada

M.I. Rodríguez

University of Granada

T. Ruiz-Lara

University of Granada

L. Sánchez-Menguiano

University of Granada

G. Torres-Ríos

University of Granada

S. Verley

University of Granada

P. Vásquez Bustos

University of Granada

A. Zurita

University of Granada

S.B. de Daniloff

University of Granada


Carmen de la Victoria

Cuesta del Chapiz 9 18010 (Granada)

Imagen carmen de la victoria
See larger map


Not defined yet.

Parte del proyecto PID2020-113689GB financiado por:

Patrocinado por:
Logo UGR Logo IC1 Logo CAHA