We have learnt in the last decades that the majority of galaxies belong to groups and clusters tracing interconnected structures in a sponge-like fashion.
This large-scale structure is characterised by clusters, filaments, walls, but also under-dense regions, called voids. The void regions and the galaxies
within, as they live in a pristine environment, represent an ideal place for the study of galaxy formation as they are largely unaffected by the complex
physical processes that transform galaxies in high-density environments. These void galaxies can shed light into galaxy formation and into the current
challenges to the ΛCDM models. CAVITY will explore with the PMAS instrument located at the 3.5 m telescope of Calar Alto a void galaxy sample with the
following aims:
- Determine how the environment has influenced the mass assembly (baryonic and dark) of void galaxies;
- Establish how galaxy formation and its properties are dependent on the larger-scale environment;
- Find the main driver of galaxy transformation, from star-forming to quiescent, passive systems in voids.